
Coaching > Health & Wellness




Health & Wellness

Meet Amanda: Initial Consult

Appointment Length

0 hour 20 minutes

Service Description

*Only for new clients*
Are you unsure of which service to choose? Let’s meet to discuss your thoughts and goals and decide what is best for you moving forward and how I can support you. If you are a new client, your health history form needs to be completed prior to the session. All sessions are tailored to you, and we will discuss your own personal goals and what will be a good fit for your lifestyle. I look forward to meeting you!

Service Requirements

As a new client, please fill out the form below by copying and pasting the link into your browser:

Health History: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfT0Ku6NzA-5ad8z3NyCqaGA5Ek35avfBoVQtBstj3SNvmWdg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Service ID: 54b338c5-400b-47e9-bd05-8874ad7f3c1f