
Healing > Crystal Healing




Crystal Healing

Crystal Reiki Healing - 60 min virtual or in person

Appointment Length

1 hour 0 minutes

Service Description

Experience the benefits of Reiki energy healing with the added boost of crystals. Each session is tailored to the specific needs of the client by creating a Reiki crystal grid. Such as, Better Sleep, Home Blessing, or Overcoming Anxiety are just a few examples.

Upon completion of the session Donna shares with the client the sensations felt during the session, offers suggestions in keeping the energy flowing, and will share any messages received from Spirit.

Sessions are not one and done. Donna encourages her clients to remain in touch after the session to share how they are feeling and to ask any additional questions.

Service Requirements

Upon scheduling of service please complete the Energy of Serenity, LLC Client Disclaimer Form @




Energy of Serenity, LLC - DISCLAIMER

This disclaimer applies to all information on this site and to all services offered.

No service offered by Energy of Serenity is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference – to be a substitute or replacement for licensed medical care. In addition, the information and techniques on this site do not constitute medical advice.

Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines. You should always remember to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or practitioner in the case of serious illness. While all services are offered in good faith, Energy of Serenity cannot accept responsibility for any illness arising out of the failure by the visitor or client to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or medical practitioner, for them, their animal companions, or their family.

Reiki sessions should be used with the understanding that Reiki is part of a holistic treatment plan. Reiki is not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany and work along with it. The information contained on this site, and all Reiki services, are metaphysical in nature and do not claim to cure anything.

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Service ID: 14d4ceb9-0096-4ee8-b253-e045aac94f59