
Nutrition > Counseling





Nutrition and Diet Help (30 Min Phone Consult)

Appointment Length

0 hour 30 minutes

Service Description

This is a 30 Min Wellness Consult via Phone. In this consult we will address your diet and nutrition challenges and goals. Recommendations on optimal diet and nutrition for your body will be made.

Service Requirements

Please fill out the following documents and email them back to me at: contacthealthysolutionsforall@yahoo.com

Link to download document is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xhnef8b5c81gpnv8co06p/HEALTHYSOLUTIONSFORALLConsultationForm-NEW.doc?dl=0&rlkey=q8ye9csxrw5gdsxzzquwi4ahz

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Service ID: e9f889c0-5181-4071-b224-f2a57a6a9cbe