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Breathwork Session

Product Description

This is for one-on-one breathwork session. Either locally in the Dallas area or online via Zoom.

Rebirthing is a simple breathing technique that has a wide breadth of benefits for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It allows a person to relax more deeply than perhaps they have in their entire life. This profound relaxation is what enables one to connect with their authentic, natural essence, and open to the continual healing and Grace being offered from Spirit.

When one breaths energy in a conscious, connected manner, they relax. Relaxation is the ultimate state of integration.

As one relaxes, they become aware of the stored energy in their body. Old Memories, Supressed Emotions, and Karmic Energy Cycles are all stored in your body. When you begin to relax and allow in greater amounts of Divine Energy, it naturally brings up everything unlike itself-for the opportunity of being integrated into your totality and bringing you that much closer to ultimate Oneness.

Product ID: a2f1ebd8-7857-4791-86c5-594a839f3960