
Health > Immune Health




Immune Health


Naturopathic Approach to Autoimmune Conditions (4 visits)

Appointment Length

0 hour 60 minutes

Service Description

Dr. Kneessi specializes in addressing autoimmune conditions by targeting their root causes, employing a holistic approach to restore balance and promote healing. Autoimmune diseases are complex disorders wherein the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues within the body. Conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Celiac Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease are among those linked with autoimmune mechanisms.

Understanding Autoimmunity
Traditional treatments for autoimmune diseases often involve medications aimed at suppressing immune responses and reducing inflammation. While these treatments can offer symptomatic relief, they may not address the underlying causes of the condition. Dr. Kneessi dives deeper into the underlying factors contributing to autoimmune dysfunction.

The Role of Leaky Gut
A significant breakthrough in understanding autoimmune pathogenesis involves the concept of "Leaky Gut Syndrome." This condition arises from compromised intestinal integrity, allowing harmful substances to breach the gut barrier and trigger immune responses, potentially leading to autoimmune reactions. Picture your intestines as a hose; when damaged, it allows substances to leak into areas they shouldn't be, causing dysfunction and health issues.

Healing from Within
At the core of our approach is the restoration of gut health. We recognize the intestine's vital role not only in nutrient absorption but also in immune defense. By addressing factors such as diet, stress levels, and microbial balance, we work towards repairing the gut lining, bolstering its natural defenses, and reducing inflammation.

Identifying Root Causes
Our comprehensive assessment considers environmental exposures and lifestyle factors contributing to Leaky Gut Syndrome. Dr. Kneessi will most likely recommend specialized labs depending on your case. From dietary choices to stress management and toxin exposure, he aims to identify and address the root causes driving autoimmune dysfunction.

Personalized Treatment Plans
Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. By addressing the root causes of autoimmune conditions, we strive to not only alleviate symptoms but also support long-term healing and well-being.

Service Requirements

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Service ID: 4c96d06a-c512-4d13-877d-227fdc6d8484