
Nutrition > Testing






Functional Assessment of Nutrient Status (3 visits)

Appointment Length

0 hour 60 minutes

Service Description

Organic acid testing is a comprehensive method used to assess an individual's nutritional status and overall health by analyzing the levels of organic acids in urine. These organic acids are metabolic byproducts produced during the body's fundamental processes of digesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. By measuring specific organic acids in urine, this testing provides valuable insights into the body's metabolic functions and nutrient needs.

Who would benefit from organic acid testing?

Individuals with digestive issues: Organic acid testing can help identify malabsorption issues and dysbiosis, providing valuable information for those experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms.
Those with chronic health conditions: Organic acid testing can offer insights into cellular energy production, mitochondrial function, and nutrient deficiencies, which are often linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and fatigue syndromes.
Individuals seeking personalized nutrition plans: By understanding individual nutrient requirements based on organic acid levels, tailored dietary and supplementation recommendations can be provided to optimize health and well-being.
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts: Organic acid testing can help optimize energy metabolism, identify nutrient deficiencies, and enhance performance and recovery in active individuals.

In summary, organic acid testing is a powerful tool for assessing nutritional status, identifying metabolic imbalances, and guiding personalized health interventions.

3 visits in total and the organic acids lab test.

Service Requirements

Please complete pre-appointment paperwork prior to first visit.

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Service ID: 6b3400f5-ae7a-4daf-957e-d4b4430ebcb6