
Coaching > Life





1:1 Coaching - Follow Up

Appointment Length

0 hour 30 minutes

Service Description

Continue your wellness journey with Hennie by booking your 1:1 Women’s Health Physical Therapy & Wellness follow up coaching session! This personalized experience is designed to build on the progress made during your initial coaching session, providing ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Key Features of the Follow-Up Coaching Call:
1. Progress Review: Reflect on the progress you've made since your initial coaching session. Hennie will go through a comprehensive review of your health journey, progresses, achievements, challenges, or adjustments needed to optimize your wellness plan.
2. Goal Refinement: Work with Hennie to achieve new goals based on your evolving needs. Whether you're focused on building strength, managing specific health concerns, or enhancing overall well-being, this session ensures your goals remain aligned with your aspirations.
3. Customized Strategies: Receive personalized strategies and exercises tailored to your unique requirements. Hennie will provide targeted guidance, ensuring that the strategies implemented are effective and sustainable for your lifestyle.
4. Educational Insights: Deepen your understanding of women's health, physical therapy, pelvic health, pain management and overall wellness practices. Continue to gain valuable insights and education to empower you with the knowledge needed to make informed choices for your ongoing health journey.
5. Adjustments to the Plan: Explore any necessary adjustments to your wellness plan, considering lifestyle changes, progress made, and any emerging health considerations. This dynamic approach ensures that your coaching plan evolves to meet your changing needs.
6. Motivational Support: Benefit from continued encouragement and support as you navigate your wellness journey. Hennie is committed to providing the motivation you need to stay inspired and committed to your health goals.

Who is this service for?
Women age between 30-50, who struggle with exhaustion, burnout, fatigue, chronic persistent pain, pelvic health concerns.

What else is included?
- 12-month Direct Access to Video Exercises & Education materials through the Embodia app!
- Access to Hennie’s Women’s Health Physical Therapy & Wellness Insider Circle FB group for online resources and community support!

Book your 1:1 Women's Health Physical Therapy & Wellness Online Health Coaching session to maintain momentum on your path to optimal well-being. Hennie is here to guide and support you, helping you achieve lasting positive changes for a healthier and more fulfilling life!

Service Requirements

Please complete prior to joining our health coaching programs:

- HNG Women’s Physiotherapy & Wellness Online Health Coaching Intake Form
- HNG Women’s Physiotherapy & Wellness Online Health Coaching Consent, Disclaimer & Agreement Form
- HNG Women’s Physiotherapy & Wellness Online Health Coaching Cancellation & Refund Policy Agreement Form

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Service ID: e0c463d2-5b4c-411b-98ed-baafa049b826