Shiatsu Massage Therapists Near Me

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What is a Shiatsu Massage?

Shiatsu Massage is an alternative technique that involves manual pressure applied to specific points on the body in an attempt to relieve tension and pain. According to the Japanese healing treatment, Shiatsu (meaning finger pressure) massage uses thumbs, fingers, elbows, and knees to concentrate pressure at certain energy pathways in the body called meridians. The massage also known as acupressure works to reduce muscle tension and fatigue and is thought to improve blood circulation in the body as well as improve the function of the lymphatic system.

What’s the Difference Between Shiatsu And Ashiatsu Massage?

Both shiatsu and ashiatsu originate from Japan. They share influences from traditional Chinese medicine and use pressure in their technique. Both aim to restore, energize, or stabilize energy channels. They differ in how practitioners apply pressure on their clients. “Shi” in shiatsu means finger, and “ashi” means foot. Ashiatsu, also called barefoot massage, involves using bare feet to apply strokes, assisted stretching, and deep compression.

Is Shiatsu Massage Painful?

Shiatsu is generally not painful. It provides specific and firm pressure. However, there may be areas where the practitioner will apply more pressure. It is typical for people to experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) for 24–48 hours after the session. According to some experts, DOMS may result from microscopic tears in the muscle fibers that can occur during exercise, and this soreness is due to the healing process.

How Often Should You Get a Massage?

A massage is a great tool for relieving stress, improving mood, and increasing the overall quality of life and productivity. You’ll often feel better for a full week before you’ll start to notice the need for a return visit unless you are dealing with pain or injury. Your tension headaches will disappear, your energy will increase, and your mental health will improve. Is there such a thing as too many massages when you have benefits like this? Actually, you can get massaged too frequently. Once a week is the most you should go unless you are dealing with pain or high-intensity sports. Between you and your therapist, you’ll be able to determine the best frequency because your body’s response is a large part of this determination. You should go at least once per month, but as often as twice per week in severe pain situations. The longer you wait though, the more often you’ll start the process of loosening up your muscles because they tense up if you don’t go often enough. Try different techniques, such as deep tissue massage and stress massage depending on your needs. When your body starts to feel stiff and sore, it’s telling you that it’s time for a massage again, but the type of massage you may need could vary depending on your body’s needs.

Is Shiatsu Massage Good for Sciatica?

Sciatica is a painful condition that can leave you unable to bend, shift or even sit comfortably. People suffering from this ailment are often desperate for treatment that will relieve some of the pain. Because this condition stems from a pinched nerve in the lower back, effective treatment options can take time to be fully effective. While there are many therapies and medications that can help with the pain, one of the most effective treatments for long-term healing is Shiatsu. An eastern massage technique that can help relax the muscles in the back and neck, this treatment can provide you with short-term pain relief and long-term healing.

What Happens After a Shiatsu Massage?

It’s normal to feel sore after a massage. After stimulating muscles that you may not usually use, you might experience delayed onset muscle soreness. This is a physical response to the inflammation as your body heals. This can happen if your muscles aren’t accustomed to massage. In the same way that your body gets used to working out, your muscles need time to get used to being manipulated in certain ways. You may experience inflammation and soreness in areas that need healing. If you have neck pain after a massage, for example, it can be a sign that you carry a lot of tension in that area. You may have limited flexibility and mobility in your neck due to working at a desk or bending forward repeatedly. If you haven’t had a massage recently or if it’s your first one, it’s more likely that you will feel sore afterward. Your body will create muscle memory if you have frequent massages, so aim to be regular with your sessions when possible.

Is Shiatsu Good for Back Pain?

One of the most common indications for Shiatsu is neck and back pain. Shoulders and legs are also commonly treated with Shiatsu therapy. In addition, Shiatsu may be effective for angina, burns, and post-term pregnancy.

Is Shiatsu a Reflexology?

The Chinese refer to this as “reflexology,” while the Japanese use the word, “Shiatsu.” Both practices use the same principles of massage and acupuncture, to release tension, heal aches and pains, and restore better circulation and flow to your body.

Is Shiatsu Massage Good for Anxiety?

Shiatsu induces a state of deep relaxation in the receiver and regular treatments combat the build-up of stress and improve general wellbeing. So, how can Shiatsu help you if you are suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression?

Regular shiatsu sessions can:

1. Help to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

2. Lower blood pressure and heart rate.

3. Increase serotonin and oxytocin levels – Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in stabilizing your mood and promoting sleep. Oxytocin has anti-anxiety effects and promotes feelings of relaxation and psychological stability.

4. Improve the circulation of the blood, helping to oxygenate body tissue and remove cortisol and waste chemicals.

How Much Does a Shiatsu Massage Cost?

The cost of a shiatsu treatment will vary according to the therapist's qualifications, experience, and the length of the treatment. The recommended fee for a 1-hour treatment with a Diploma qualified therapist is $80 per hour.

What is a Massage?

Massage is the manipulation of the body's soft tissues. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain. In European countries, a person professionally trained to give massages is traditionally known as a masseur (male) or a masseuse (female). In the United States, these individuals are often referred to as massage therapists, because they must be certified and licensed as "licensed massage therapists". In some provinces of Canada, they are called “Registered massage therapists”, as they are regulated health professionals.

What Does a Massage Therapist Do?

Massage Therapists are generally employed at massage clinics, spas, and salons to provide rejuvenating and relaxing massages to clients. Massage Therapists maintain knowledge of human anatomy and the musculoskeletal system so they can effectively target points of tension in a client’s body and ease the symptoms of physical stress. They use varying amounts of pressure to improve circulation and target tense or knotted muscles. Massage Therapists communicate with clients about their comfort level and what areas they would like to focus on, setting clear expectations for what areas of muscle and tissue they plan to address.

The History of Shiatsu Massage

It starts with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM was introduced in Japan in the 6th century, where the practice began to evolve to suit the local customs. The traditional Chinese massage called anma, or tui na, became more associated with pleasure and relaxation, as opposed to exclusively healing. In the 20th century, a practitioner named Tamai Tempaku wanted to revive and maintain the healing aspect of massage therapy in TCM. He infused his style of massage with the Western scientific disciplines of anatomy and physiology, along with chiropractic principles and physiotherapy, in order to create a new modality.Tempaku first called his method "shiatsu ryoho" or "shiatsu ho" but over time it became known as simply Shiatsu. In 1964, Shiatsu massage was recognized as its own unique form of therapy, different from tui na, Western, and other types of massage.

5 Fun Facts about Massage Therapy

Here are some fun facts about massage therapy that you should know.

1.  Our pets can benefit from massages too!

Like humans, our pets respond in a positive way to massage therapy.  Massaging our pets can help alleviate pain, reduce stress, and encourage an all-over sense of well-being for our animals.  If you can get that back leg twitching, you are doing a great job!

2.  A one-hour massage is equal to 7-8 hours of sleep.

Studies have shown that a one-hour massage equates to about 7-8 hours of sleep for your body.  So if you are feeling run down and exhausted, perhaps your body is just begging you for a massage.

3.  Massage may be one of the oldest forms of medical treatment.

Various massage techniques have been around and documented for centuries.  There are pictures in Egyptian tombs of people receiving massages. 

4.  There are around 350 different massage modalities.

Not all massages are created the same.  There are over 350 different modalities, techniques, and styles of massage therapy.  Roughly 75 of them are commonly used.  Depending on the ailment, a massage therapist can choose from a variety of techniques to treat a client.  General Swedish massage techniques are often the ones taught in North America.

5.  Yes we do Legs!

Have you ever wondered if there were any other areas of the body you could have treated other than your back and neck?  Although those are likely the most common areas we treat, massage therapists can work virtually anywhere you have muscle (as long as it’s indicated of course).  Legs, feet, arms, hands, scalp, jaw, and face or glutes are all areas you could have worked on at your next visit.

Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is a holistic form of therapy that improves a person’s overall health by affecting their internal energy system. It claims to help with:

- poor posture

- joint problems such as arthritis

- painful muscles

- digestive and bowel disorders

- sports injuries

- asthma

- hay fever

- constant colds

- skin conditions

- sciatica

- acute and chronic aches and pains

- fatigue

- muscle tension

- sinusitis

- bronchitis

- anxiety

- depression

- insomnia

- premenstrual syndrome

- low libido

There is limited scientific research to support the use of shiatsu in most of these conditions. However, a 2019 study found that combining shiatsu with standard treatment for low back pain improves symptoms and quality of life shortly after the session. Hand self-shiatsu, a self-application form of shiatsu, also promoted sleep in young individuals with chronic pain. Similar studies found the technique effective for young athletes who suffered from sports-related concussions. A 2021 study found the same effects for veterans and their family members. It was also effective in inducing spontaneous labor in women with post-term pregnancy.

What to Expect During a Shiatsu Massage

Before the session begins, a shiatsu practitioner evaluates the person and assesses a person’s state of qi to plan the session. The practitioner may perform varying protocols based on the person’s general energy level, presence of blockages, and conditions. For example, when a person has deficient energy levels, the practitioner uses techniques to reactivate or stimulate the blood and qi circulation. Meanwhile, they may utilize techniques to diffuse excess energy in anxious and stressed individuals. Practitioners perform manual techniques such as holding, stretching, tapping, pressure, kneading, and soothing, using their thumbs, fingers, palms, and knees. They may also do more body stretches, rotations, and joint mobilizations. From time to time, the therapist may ask the person to change their position to allow them to work on specific meridian points to energy stagnation or blockages. Shiatsu does not use instruments or oils. During a session, individuals are fully clothed and traditionally lie on a futon mat placed on a floor, but lying on a massage table is also common.

Risks of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is generally considered safe. However, some people may need to avoid it. These include those with the following conditions:

- acute illness or fever

- osteoporosis

- undergoing chemotherapy

- high blood pressure

- arrhythmia

- uncontrolled diabetes

- bone fractures

- recent wounds or scars

- active skin lesions

- areas of inflammation

- varicose veins

- blood cancers

- viruses such as flu and chickenpox

- herniated disc

- ankylosing spondylitis

People with severe conditions should first consult their doctors before getting shiatsu or any other type of massage.

What Happens After a Massage

Your massage therapist will let you know the massage is complete (or gently wake you if you were lucky enough to nod off!) and then leave the room to allow you to redress. Try not to sit or stand up too quickly, as you may feel dizzy or lightheaded after a massage, especially if the room is dark and warm. Sit up slowly, and take your time when you stand up and dress.

Make sure to drink lots of water after your massage as this should help with the dizziness if you have any, and flush out any toxins released during the massage.

Most people feel extremely relaxed. You may feel the freedom from long-term aches and pains and increased energy which may last for days afterward. If you have gone for a deep tissue massage, you may feel slightly tender to start with, but after your muscles get used to the relaxed state, you should feel much better.

What Not to Do After a Massage Therapy

Here is a checklist of the things you should not do after getting massage therapy. Doing these things after a massage cannot prevent you from getting the maximum benefits from massage therapy. We have listed ten (10) things that you should not do after a massage.

1. Not Drinking Enough Water

After massage therapy, decreasing your water intake after the massage therapy is not ideal. Massage therapy can help to detoxify and rehydrates your skin. You must drink enough water to assist the hydration and detoxification process.

2. Take A Shower Immediately

By taking a shower immediately after your massage therapy session, you will wash off the massage oils. These massage oils are not yet completely absorbed by the skin cells. It is best to shower after an hour of your massage therapy session. Let the message oil sit and absorbed your skin cells within an hour.

3. Taking a Hot Shower

After your massage therapy, we know that taking a hot shower is tempting. However, if you are suffering from a muscle injury, it will increase inflammation. You have to skip first taking a hot shower. It is better to use cold water for pain relief. Moreover, it is ideal to use warm water when taking a shower. This can help to relax your body.

4. Eating A Large Meal

After a massage, you may feel hungry. This happens due to the increase of blood circulation, which maximizes body systems function including, our digestive system. And, by eating a large meal, you will end up feeling bloated, sluggish, or lethargic. It is best to eat a light and healthy snack to feel more energized after a massage.

5. Drinking Coffee

After relaxing massage therapy, you may be in the mood to take a great cup of coffee. However, drinking coffee after a massage is not a good idea. You cannot maximize the detoxification and rehydration process. You need to wait a few hours after your message before drinking a cup of coffee. This can help you avoid dehydration. Moreover, it is best to drink your coffee the next day and rehydrate yourself by drinking enough water.

6. Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages cannot encourage the hydration and detox process. It can cause dehydration. You have to avoid drinking alcohol for a day. It is best to drink enough water to promote hydration and to help flush toxins. Moreover, by avoiding alcohol, you can prevent next-day soreness.

7. Doing Strenuous Exercises or Activities

After a relaxing massage, you may feel energized to go to a gym and do some strenuous exercise. However, this can lead to muscle soreness. Moreover, doing some strenuous activities can injure your muscles. Avoid doing some strenuous activities after your massage therapy. It is best for your body and mind to relax. You can do some light activities – watch some movies or read some good books – chill and relax! Moreover, after a massage is the best time to hibernate. You can nap for a while.

8. Stressing Yourself Out

One of the main benefits of massage therapy is helping you manage your stress. It aims to reduce your stress. However, not avoiding things that cause you stress can make you feel anxious, which cannot help your body and mind to continue the relaxation mode. After massage therapy, you should create a plan for the day. You have to make enough ‘me-time’ or self-care time. Moreover, you have to schedule your day as a low-stress one. For example, make sure not to have any other meetings or errands after a massage. Take a rest!

9. Forget to Stretch

You may feel that your body is so relaxed after a massage. It also helps to loosen your stiff muscles and knots. However, if you forget to stretch after a massage therapy session, you can’t prolong this effect. After a relaxing massage session, make sure that before you get off the massage table, do some moderate stretches within a minute or two. You can do some lunges, shoulder, and torso rotations, and toe touches. You may also continue doing some moderate stretches at home.

10. Not Doing the Homework Assigned by the Therapist

If you forget to follow the advice of a massage therapist, you will decrease the benefits that you can get from massage therapy. Follow the advice and instructions of your massage therapist to get the most out of your massage therapy session. If your therapist assigned some stretching, stretching, or some movement-based exercises – don’t forget to do them! You have to do your homework to gain the long-lasting effects of massage.

How to Find a Massage Therapist

Like choosing other healthcare professionals, it's important to be a conscious consumer when selecting a massage therapist. Ask your primary care provider or someone else you trust to recommend a reputable business or therapist.

Don't be afraid to ask a potential massage therapist questions such as:

- Are you licensed, certified, or registered?

- What are your training and experience?

- How many massage therapy sessions do you think I'll need?

- What's the cost, and is it covered by health insurance?

A skilled therapist has a vast toolbox of techniques that can be incorporated based on your needs, and he or she will respond and modify these techniques based on your feedback. Massage therapy is safe and effective for people of all ages. It's not only a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. It's a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and well-being, whether you have a specific health condition or are looking for a stress reliever.


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The content herein is provided for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Medical information changes constantly, and therefore the content on this website should not be assumed to be current, complete or exhaustive. Always seek the advice of your doctor before starting or changing treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, please call your doctor or 9-1-1 (in the United States) immediately.