
Conception & Pregnancy > Prenatal Care


Conception & Pregnancy


Prenatal Care

Adverse Prenatal Doula/Coach

Appointment Length

1 hour 30 minutes

Service Description

First there was a positive pregnancy test. Whatever your initial reaction was, you eventually adjusted - maybe even came to be excited by - the prospect that you were going to have a baby. And then came the blood test or the ultrasound. The phone call from the doctor's office. The news was bad. They used words you maybe had never heard of before. They said things like 'selective reduction' or 'fetal abnormality' or 'incompatible with life'. Now they are asking for decisions - do you want to Carry to Term or Say Goodbye Early? Do you want to choose Comfort Care or Active Management? Heather - a high risk doula and life coach by training - brings almost two decades of professional experience with more than 6000 families across multiple diagnoses to supporting individual parents through the complexity and pain of this experience.

Service Requirements

If you are a new client, please complete an intake form at https://forms.gle/75hyLxJiXitKN9Uu9 prior to your first session.

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Service ID: 0e4dc8e8-143d-4d28-bab9-eecdfae28d4c